Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The End of Time

Looks like a winner to me! Promo pic from TEOT. Tennant and Davies are on their way out. Please don't cheapen my favorite franchise, Moffat... Achooojohnnathanturner...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The new interior or a deliberate plot to throw us off the scent????

This was taken by Scootyboy during filming at Llanwynno... It looks like it could be a pretty rad interior, but the production team is notorious for misleading fans. It's all in good fun tho!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I liked my prediction logo better....

It looks like a fan made it for their blog.... wait a minute.

Monday, October 5, 2009

New logo to be revealed Tuesday the 6th, 8 am foreign time!

Yes! There's a new look that Moffat is creating for Who and, from what I've seen so far, this is my prediction for the new logo!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Eleventh Doctor

New companion, named Amy Pond, looks like she's wearing a Snuggly. The new look for the Doc looks like a cross between 50's Cambridge professor or 50's traveling salesman. I'm sure it'll grow on me. You can see a bit of the new TARDIS look as well.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Easier to pronounce than Agyeman...

....but a better companion? Karen Gillan will be the 11th Doctor's companion for the new season. You may not recognize her (as she was in make-up) from her role as a Sister in the Sisterhood in the episode "The Fires of Pompeii". I'm a bit wary because it seems that Who headliners are getting younger and younger... I'll hold my opinion until I see her and Smith next year in season 5.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Stephen Hawking "Very Ill"

My thoughts and prayers go out to Prof. Stephen Hawking. He is one of the most brilliant minds the world has seen and one of my personal heroes. Here's a link to the full story.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Planet of the Dead is upon us!

Here are some stills from "Planet of the Dead". Easter is only a week away!
And here's the synopsis...
When a London bus takes a detour to an alien world, the Doctor must join forces with the extraordinary Lady Christina, in this one-off seasonal special. But the mysterious planet holds terrifying secrets, hidden in the sand. And time is running out, as the deadly Swarm gets closer.
Planet Of The Dead features David Tennant as the Doctor, Michelle Ryan as Lady Christina and Lee Evans as Malcolm and is written by Russell T Davies and Gareth Roberts.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My deepest apologies to the....let's count em person who reads my blog. School is keeping me very busy. When things liven up on the SarahWhoWood front, I'll be sure to drop a line. CHEERS! -Jay

Monday, January 26, 2009

Torchwood Update

The new TW trailer will be shown at the NY Comicon next month. This is what RTD has to say about it....

"Torchwood face their toughest battle to date in this new series," says Russell T Davies. "This latest threat causes global shockwaves and the team has to fight with everything they've got to survive. Viewers are in for a real treat."

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Is The Doctor in for a Wildthyme?

Not the actual bus spotted during filming of "Planet of the Dead" (I didn't want to use a production photo without permission)... Does anyone remember Iris Wildthyme? Look her up. God I hope it's not her. On second thought, tho.... It could be fun. Very far-fetched, yet interesting. Actress Katy Manning (former 3rd Doc companion Jo Grant) is pictured here portraying her in audio & book adventures.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Planet of the Dead" Update

Head writer and "Who" Messiah Russell Davies had this to say about the next special.

"After the events of Journey's End and The Next Doctor I think it's time to get away from the past and have an adventure with lots of new elements. And lots of fun too!"...."The next Special should be a nice antidote to Christmas, with a bit of sunshine if we're lucky. And with not one but two alien races that you've never seen before."

One alien race that we have seen and that has been name-dropped are intergalactic minotaurs the "Nimons".

POTD airs sometime around Easter.

"Captain Jack and the Selkie"

John Barrowman and his sis are doing a comic that will premiere in the March issue of the official Torchwood magazine. I'm not sure what a "Selkie" is, but it sounds delicious...

Seriously, tho, John and Carole have been talking about a "Captain Jack" collaboration for some time now.
Here's an old story that may shine some light on the "Selkie" myth. All I can say is that you can't beat a tale about seven naked chicks and a horny fisherman.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Time Squad (New line of Character Options figures)

Are these not the coolest little toys you've ever seen?! I hope they do the classic series. Tom Baker would look awesome!
....Why does the Dalek remind me of a hamburger?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brief News Round-up

Mixed reviews of 11th Doctor...

First Post

I've always said that if I started a rock band I'd call it "Fleshy Bipeds". By "always" I mean within the past year.

Ahhhh.... Doctor Who. I've lived it and loved it since I was young enough to fake an ID to get into a night club. I've alienated friends, lovers, and family over it. Instead of concentrating on schoolwork or taking notes in class, I was drawing magnificently scarfed Tom Bakers standing next to important historical figures in my textbooks. Instead of being a normal delinquent teen on Saturday nights, I was glued to Alabama Public Television at 9pm sharp (right after "This Old House"...).

Wow. At one time I must've had 2 boxes full of VHS tapes packed with DW episodes. Now I can just hop in the car and drive to Best Buy when a new boxed set comes out. I loved it just as much when the most fearsome creature was wrapped in green-painted bubble wrap as I do now with all the spectacular CGI.

Maybe in the next post I'll talk about the time I wore a home-made Dalek hat to a PBS pledge drive.